The Giver Research Paper

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Personal Freedom What would your life be like if you gave up all of your personal freedoms right now? Imagine you can’t choose your family, possessions, or your job. In the book, The Giver, this lifestyle is a reality. They have given the power to make their own decisions to others. Were these sacrifices worth it? Characters in The Giver have numerous rules and guidelines that prohibit them from having their own freedom. For example, they must use precise language. This means that they can’t exaggerate, and they can’t ask questions. Questions are one freedom that we have in our society today that most of us take for granted. Imagine you are a character in the book, and you are curious about the past. How would you handle this curiosity, without any questions? Another example of personal freedoms that were given up, is the freedom to make decisions. Community members don’t choose their spouse, they apply for one, and then the town gives you one. Kids are not chosen, or born from your mother, but instead you get the child that the town picks for you. Jobs are assigned, without any input from you, other …show more content…

My personal opinion on this is no. My main reason for this is that people in this community may develop a belief that they are not unique. Why should they see themselves as unique? They’ve been living their whole life with people receiving the same items at the same time, and people wearing the same clothing as others. Another reason I think it isn’t worth it is because people don’t get to experience loving someone, since their spouse and children are chosen for them. Love is now a word that is obsolete, so they cannot feel the joy of it. The last reason that I am against this is because people might think that there is no need to try. If you didn’t try to be the best person you can be, you can still receive a spouse, kids, and a job. This may lead people to believe that they can take it easy, and not try as

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