The Giver Research Paper

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Lowry, L. (1993). The giver. New York, NY: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group.
Jonas lived with his younger sister and parents, in The Community. Here every citizen, children included, were required to uphold the mindset of corporate organization and success. An underdeveloped new child named Gabriel also lived with this family to be given a chance to thrive, by extending to him extra nurturing, before committing him to release. The community was governed by a set of rules that were enforced by Committee of Elders who also decided marital partnerships, to which families the newchildren were given and such unions would occur. The inhabitants of the Community did not know the pain and joy of memory because the Giver carried this burden for …show more content…

As a result of his moral attributes “intelligence…integrity, and courage” (p.62), at this same age Jonas was selected to be the Receiver, a job of great honor, along with a set of rules which were more like privileges that also included the right to lie. The Giver trained Jonas as his own replacement, imparting to him all the complexities of memory such as the color grass, flowers, and sky; the pain and tribulation of war-time; and the joy and love of family relationships on holidays like Christmas. As Jonas matured as a Receiver the colors grew more vivid and the emotion of love flowed from him to the Giver, to his friends and to his family. A pivotal point arose in Jonas life when he ask his parents if they loved him, they were amuse and told him that word, love, was obsolete. Furthermore around the same time as he learned that Gabriel was going to be released, he planned his escape and took Gabriel along as well. The Giver loved Jonas but was committed to remain at the Community, because when Jonas left the memories would return to the people and they then would require his help to manage the flood of joys and sadness they would experience. Jonas and Gabriel endured a long and dangerous journey, when near the end if his resolve he found the sled (from his memory) and begin the fast slide, downhill to Elsewhere. And, for the first time in his life he heard what the Giver described as

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