The Genius Career of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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The musical prodigy Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria. In his successful lifetime Mozart produced 373 orchestral works, 227 songs, and 98 sacred and dramatic pieces. The Classical Music Period in which Mozart lived allowed him to fully develop his own unique musical style and Mozart’s life, although shortened by his early death, influenced many musicians. With his extraordinary genius and emotional compositions, Mozart’s music is loved by people of all varieties and ages.
As a skilled young genius, Mozart’s early life was full of many occurrences which led to his fame. At the age of four, Mozart was able to play minuets and scherzos on the piano, and his father, realizing his great genius, devoted much time to his son. When Mozart was six years old many people wondered at his extraordinary skill, and in 1763 he traveled all over Europe with his family playing for courts and learning many languages. Amazingly at the age of 13, he composed his first opera called “The Fake Simpleton.” And although he was knighted by the pope and popular with the people, the young teenager couldn’t find any work and spent the rest of his young life in Salzburg composing two more operas and the nine movement “Haffner Senerade.” After traveling to Parris in 1778 and then returning, Mozart became the part time organist in the court of Prince Archbishop of Salzburg but left in 1781 because of a disagreement with the Prince. Making his living by giving piano lessons, concerts and selling his compositions, Mozart soon married Constanze Weber. Finally becoming very successful in Vienna and in high demand, Mozart started writing his most famous opera “The Marriage of Figaro,” in 1785. Once this prosperous time was over Mozart began losi...

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...he joys that it brought to them. During his short lifetime, Mozart skillfully composed a vast amount of musical pieces that are still being enjoyed to this day. As one of the most renowned musical composers, Mozart’s own unique style represents the techniques of the Classical Music Period in which he lived. The musical genius himself said, “Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, Love, Love, that is the soul of genius,” (

Works Cited

Atkin, Henrietta. Famous Composers and Their Music. Pittsburgh, PA: Hayes School Pub., 2001. Print.
BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. []Web. 06 Feb. 2014
Weiss, Stephan. "Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART - the Music of Mozart." Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART - the Music of Mozart. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2014.

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