The Friar In Romeo And Juliet

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Although he is a fatherly figure to Romeo, the Friar demonstrates that sometimes good intentions may lead to unexpected tragedies. He says to Romeo, "For this alliance may so happy prove,/ To turn your households' rancour to pure love”(2.3.91). His comment conveys the wish of their marriage ending the family feud and bringing joy to both families. The Friar is a kind-hearted, peaceful man who strives to help others find good solutions. Nevertheless, blinded by his aspiration for peace, he disregards the truth: a simple marriage will not be able to heal the hatred between the families, but will most likely produce further bitterness and loathing. Before he talks to Romeo, the Friar says, “Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied,/ And vice …show more content…

She says to Romeo, “if you should deal double/ with her, truly it were an ill thing to be offered/ to any gentlewoman, and very weak dealing”(2.4.137). The Nurse is sincerely concerned for Juliet’s well-being, and warns Romeo not to hurt her. She is a character foil of Lady Capulet, contrasting her warm and affectionate relationship with Lady Capulet’s detached, distant one. Juliet grows up without proper parental love, which leads to her reckless behavior and decisions. The Nurse, the only adult whom she can confide in and rely on, replaces her parents. Although the Nurse acts like Juliet’s mother, she also contrasts Juliet. She jokes, “I am the drudge, and toil in your delight, /But you shall bear the burden soon at night”(2.5.75). Her bawdy jokes about love suggest that her notion of love is physical and earthy, while Juliet’s concept of love is spiritual and idealistic. In this manner, she is similar to Mercutio, who also makes sexual jokes to frequently mock Romeo’s love. To them, love is a corporeal and transient relationship, where physical interaction is more important than real love. Nevertheless, through the Nurse, Shakespeare clearly communicates the importance of parental figures in the lives of developing children, so that they mature successfully in a caring

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