The French and Bolshevik Revolutions

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Revolutions are a prevalent part of world history and have shaped our world into what it is today. The French and the Bolshevik revolutions serve as just two examples of the many revolutions throughout history that have brought about changes to their respective countries. Both of these revolutions had distinct causes and were stimulated by other revolutions in the past. Since these two revolutions happened many years apart, with the French Revolution in the late sixteenth century and the Bolshevik Revolution in the early twentieth century, the ideologies behind them were somewhat different. The people went the extremes in both countries to bring about the desired changes. The revolutions were both radical because of the shortage of food and the uprising of the people. In both revolutions, there is a quest for change and the citizens were willing to go as far as they needed to go to make that change, even if it meant the people had to overthrow their leaders. The French and Bolshevik revolutions were brought about by several different factors. The French Revolution was caused primarily by the Enlightenment and national debt. The people were not happy that country was not moving forward with the rest of the world. They desired change and that change would only come by one means, a revolution. In this revolution, the people wanted liberty and equality for all. The American Revolution played an essential role in the start of the French Revolution, since French aided the American Revolution by “sending its navy and troops to aid the rebelling colonists” (France History - Causes of the French Revolution). The Bolshevik revolution, on the other hand, was caused primarily by a longing for a new form of government and food shortages. This... ... middle of paper ... 2nd ed. Lexington, Mass. : D. C. Heath. 1972. 3-191. Print. Betts, Raymond F. Europe in Retrospect. Web. 16 September 2011 . France History – Causes of the French Revolution. Web.17 September 2011 . Koeller, David W. Bolshevik Revolution: 1917. Web.17 September 2011 . Koeller, David W. February Revolution: 1917. Web.16 September 2011 . Schulz, Gerhard. Revolutions and peace treaties, 1917-1920. Trans. Marian Jackson. London, Methuen. 1972. 65. Print. Sutherland, Donald M.G. The French Revolution and Empire: the quest for a civic order. Oxford, UK. Malden, MA: Blackwell. 2003. 40-43. Print.

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