The Framers Of The Constitution In The 1860's

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United States constitutional law defines the scope and application of the terms of the Constitution. It covers areas of law such as the relationship between the federal government and state governments, the rights of individuals, and other fundamental aspects of the application of government authority in the United States. It is a field of law that is broad and complex. Some constitutional scholars maintain that the authors of the Constitution had intended that it be vague and subject to interpretation so that it could be adapted to the needs of a changing society. Others maintain that the provisions of the Constitution should be strictly construed and their provisions applied in a very literal manner. The framers of the Constitution were meticulous in structuring a document that limits the power of central government. They set forth balanced measures to impede government growth and over-regulation. They also provided a method that allows changing societal values to be considered over time. They knew, however, that the nature of …show more content…

This was the Constitution at work as the framers had intended. These Amendments corrected a grievous omission, the inclusion of which was politically unattainable in 1791 but reflected societal changes by the 1860’s. We as a society have let each generation of leaders whittle away at the core values of the Constitution through overreaching laws, executive orders, judicial legislation, and the concept of a “living document.” These distortions to the Constitution were slow and almost imperceptible to the electorate; most even seemed to make sense. Now, however, the changes are coming fast. All three branches of the government, consciously or not, are working to distort the document that has kept the American Dream alive for over 200

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