The Film The Boy In The Striped Pajamas

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From The Diary of Anne Frank to Schindler 's List, Many movies have been made telling the tales during the Holocaust. From survivors, soldiers, even people who helped hide the Jewish from the Nazi’s. On November 7, 2008 a Historical Drama film The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Directed and written by Mark Herman. A movie that concentrates on the life of a young boy named Bruno(Asa Butterfield), who lives a wealthy lifestyle during the occurring war in Germany along with his mother(Vera Farmiga), elder sister(Amber Beattie), and Nazi Commandant Father(David Thewlis). The family relocates to the countryside where his father is assigned to take command of a concentration camp that Bruno believes is a farm where all the farmers wear strange striped …show more content…

Somethings in history and in life needs to be put in perspective so children can understand. I watched this movie for the first time when I was about twelve and the movie showed more than i understood. It implied what happened during the time like the violence but did not show it. The older i got older, the more I could fully comprehend what was taking place during the movie. Throughout the movie you realize that most people were ignorant to the full extent to what was happening. Bruno’s mother did not know what was actually going on in her husband 's concentration camp, she did not found out until a comment from kolter about a foul smell from the …show more content…

Throughout the movie the kids are tauht jews are bad people, but bruno does not let that dictate how he sees people.
Bruno accepts Schmuel as a human being, not a jew, who does not seem like a bad person. While everyone else fails to looks beyond their prejudices, Bruno wants to be friends with someone who is told should be his enemy. He sees that him and Schmuel are no different. He comes to understand that Pavel is not a bad man or just a potato-peeler, he realizes that he his a good man.
Films like The Boy in the Striped Pajamas are so important, we should never forget what horrendous evil Hitler unleashed. Neither should we forget that it was ordinary people who became caught in his genocide. The power of his rhetoric and personality, coming at just the opportune time in German history, won the nation to his cause. People became mass murderers, others looked the other way while it happened. It was easier for the people to believe propaganda, go with the flow and keep quiet instead of standing against the horrid cause. They did not want to face the

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