The Film Inglorious Basterds

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The film Inglorious Basterds is one of Quinten Tarantino’s most overlooked films. Staying true to his bloody and humorous style. The film takes place mainly in the Nazi occupied areas in France during World War Two. The film follows a group of Jewish-American soldiers as they travel through France killing every Nazi they can. Tarantino is a very talented director and writer, and Inglorious Basterds is a testimony to how great his work is. The film’s dialogue contains the use of multiple languages including English, French, and German, all sometimes in one scene. The different uses of languages does add an unique complexity to the story itself. While Tarantino is renowned for his one shot scenes, rather than cutting from camera to camera, he …show more content…

It begins with the best monologue of the film, Aldo is speaking to his newly selected Jewish, American soldiers, also known as “The Basterds”. This monologue sets the humorous tone for the film, a very recognizable Tarantino tone. Aldo is very funny as a character despite how serious he is taken by the German army. Despite how dark he is, he is also hilarious and the first showing of his humor is during his speech when he says, “But I got a word of warning for all you would-be warriors. When you join my command, you take on debit. A debit you owe me personally. Each and every man under my command owes me one hundred Nazi scalps. And I want my scalps. And all y'all will git me one hundred Nazi scalps, taken from the heads of one hundred dead Nazis. Or you will die tryin”. In most films this would be just a joke, but not in this, throughout the film up to the very last scene the Basterds actually cut off and collect the scalps. Something that is so ridiculous and far-fetched yet Tarantino still does is. Throughout his speech the camera draws closer and closer to his face, giving a sense of dominance for his character. The next scene with the Basterds is the aftermath of them ambushing a Nazi platoon. Starting with Tarantino’s signature camera pan across the setting showing just what the Basterds mean. This pan is done to show just how cruel and serious they are showing mountains of dead Nazi soldiers with their scalps missing, while others are getting their scalps removed in the scene. With just a very few amount of Germans still being kept alive, Aldo begins to question them to find out where more Germans are so that they can go ambush them. Aldo starts off by asking the German if he knows who he is, and well of course he, the German even says “you are Aldo the Apache”, a nickname given by the Germans to show that they Basterds are very much known and feared. But it is

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