The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

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For this project, I decided to read “The Fault in Our Stars,” a novel written by John Green. This book is about 16 year old Hazel Grace, who is diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She attends weekly Cancer Support Group, where she meets Augustus Waters, a “very intelligent and hot” boy who is currently in remission. They both take a liking for each other, their relationship growing and developing throughout the book as they fight cancer together. Along the way, Hazel learns many important lessons about life.

To begin with, this story takes place mainly in Indianapolis in the 21st century. The story also takes place in hospitals, support groups in churches, as well as each other’s homes. From this, I can understand when Hazel describes feeling confined: “It was a cloudy day, typical Indiana: the kind of weather that boxes you in.” In the second half of the story, the setting switches to Amsterdam, which is the complete opposite of Indiana. Augustus and Hazel both confess a feeling of freedom, describing how they feel that anything is possible. I chose to use a jar filled with water to represent the setting. Because Amsterdam is 2m below sea level and is at constant risk of flooding, it’s like a “drowning city”, and similarly Hazel could be called a “drowning girl,” as the fluid in her lungs is eating away at her life. The jar represents her feeling of confinement in Indianapolis, and when I open the lid it represents her feeling of freedom in Amsterdam. Next up, I’m going to talk about the plot of the story.

The plot of the story, as I previously mentioned is about 16 year old Hazel Grace who meets Augustus Waters at weekly Cancer Support Group. They fall for each other, their relationship growing stronger and blossoming through...

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... her room. That is, of course until she meets Augustus Waters. At first, she tries to deny her feelings for him, but they grow too strong and he eventually teaches her to open up and live her life to the fullest. When Augustus dies, Hazel says that she doesn’t regret her relationship with him, which also reminds me of the theme that “to have loved is better than to have never loved.” Therefore I think that a key with a lock would be the best symbol to represent the conflict.

Overall, I think that “The Fault in Our Stars” was an amazing yet horribly heartbreaking book. There were so many moments where tears leaked out, as well as moments where I had to just simply laugh. The book was quite emotional,

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