The Family Model Family

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For as long as can remember, the ideal family household consisted of the male/father as the bread winner, provider, and head of the household, and female/mother, and children as members of this family. This image was embedded in us through our social class, our parents, our community, and the social media. The families of today have drastically changed, and are more complex in the family role. As time progresses, divorce rates are at an all time high, and single parent homes are even higher. To top it off we can’t turn on the TV or computer without seeing or hearing about gay/lesbian marriage or states legalizing same sex marriage. Over time the idea of what the model family was viewed as and the reality of what a model class consist of …show more content…

He was the provider, and head of the household. That role is still ideal today, but not always possible. Due to high divorce rates, that role changes to the African American woman. She takes on the patriarchy role as a single parent and head of household. In 1950, the women’s expected role was to be the “home maker” or stay at home as wife and mother. The enacted role came into play when the black man lost his job or when he went to jail. The African American women had no choice but to go to work and be the provider for her family. By the 1990s, African American men experienced role conflict with the black woman. African American women had become so stable in their role as patriarchy that it was challenging for her to step back and allow a man to regain this role as head of household and provider because she had to fulfill this role for so long. So women go so far as to say, “I don’t need a man, do everything for myself. even have sex with myself.” This is a bitter and lonely black women who has been hurt by men one time too …show more content…

(Hutchinson, 1999). The attitudes of African Americans because of their life struggles, has caused them to be viewed negatively. Not all African American women act or carry themselves in this negative light, but are treated as such. Being the decision maker and provider as a single parent has cause the African American woman to be tuff, and somewhat bossy to keep her children in line and her family afloat. The role of patriarchy is a significant role in the African American family in general. “Men establish or inherit a social order where they dominate positions of authority and power.” According to Crompton (1998). Patriarchy is a sociological structure that has become embedded in our society. When the man is present in the family he is the head of the house; “King of the castle.” But when the man is absent from his position as leader, the woman steps in and assumes this position. In taking on this position, single African American women are the mom, dad, bread winner, nurturer, cook, house keeper, and

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