Essay On Conformity

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The Factors of Conformity in Adolescent Peer Groups on Alcohol Consumption
In this paper different factors of conformity in adolescent peer groups on alcohol consumption will be discussed. Conformity can be defined as "a change in behavior or attitudes in response to the influence of a real or imagined group" (Fowler, 2013). Mostly everyone goes through the social pressure of a group wanting them to conform. But, why do we feel the need to comply? The purpose of this paper is to find out what factors lead adolescents to conform to alcohol consumption. According to Teunissen et al. (2012), "adolescents usually have little drinking experience" meaning "their anticipated physiological reactions to alcohol are not yet important motivations …show more content…

As suggested by Fowler attractiveness can be a component in getting people to conform. People are more likely to listen to those who are attractive because they are interested in them. As this is an important attribute to society people are more willing to listen to those who are attractive (2013).
Socialization and Social Norms
The socialization of an adolescent may also be important to consider when looking at alcohol consumption. We learn what is "normal" to society through observational learning. What we see our friends and family do is what we see as the norm (Oostveen et al., 1996). Therefore, heavy or light alcohol consumption may be seen as the social norm to different individuals. An adolescent can see through the behaviors of others that the norm for young people is to engage in alcohol use. This, of course, is on a continuum from just trying alcohol to engaging in alcohol consumption frequently for different adolescents. Adolescents conform to this behaviour because we see it as normal. Part of socialization in peer groups is finding out what the norms from that group is (Oostveen et al., 1996). Alcohol consumption can become an important way to adolescents for socialization because they may see it as a way to make new friends or meet a partner (Oostveen et al., …show more content…

“Norm perceptions are often robustly associated with alcohol consumption” (Ferrer et al., 2012, p.689). Adolescents always seem to be concerned with what their peers are doing. Therefore, the biggest predictor for adolescents to drink is their peers drinking (Teunissen et al., 2012). This behaviour of alcohol consumption can be based on descriptive norms and injunctive norms (Ferrer et al., 2012). A descriptive norm is an “individuals’ perceptions of others’ behaviour” and an injunctive norm is an “individuals’ perceptions of others’ attitudes” (Ferrer et al., 2012, p.689). “Conformity occurs when perceptions of injunctive and descriptive norms influence an individual’s own attitudes and behaviour” (Ferrer et al., 2012, p.689) (THIS IS ACTUALLY ASCH, FIX). Although, perceptions can be incorrect but still have a strong influence on behaviour (Ferrer et al., 2012). The motivation for adolescents to drink may be based on the fallacy they think their peers are engaging in this activity. “Heavy drinkers tend to perceive their family and friends and authorities to be more in favor of drinking” (Oostveen et al., 1996, p.191). Marks et al. did a study asking participants about their alcohol consumption and their perception of the alcohol consumption of their peers (1992). The results found that when a participant perceived their peers to engage in alcohol consumption they engaged in alcohol

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