Toyota External Environment Essay

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I. Introduction The external environment of organisations is closely related to the survival and development of organisations. This report addresses external forces and conditions of enterprises and how do they affect the organisations. It will have PEST Analysis Module and Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model. It will use these two analysis module to analyse the impact of the external environment on the company, as well as some case will in this report are used to study how to use these analysis module in specific company and the company how to respond to changes in the external environment. In addition, the report also provides insight into some ways for the companies how collect their external environment information, and the importance of …show more content…

Toyota caused social public anger because they recall rate was slow. In February 2011, Toyota’s shares fell 1.9%. (Andrews et al., 2011) From this case, we can see that social factors especially public evaluation has a great influence on the brand image of the enterprise. The public was not satisfied with Toyota, so Toyota’s stock prices and sales declined. The public’s trust and recognition is the key to the development of enterprises. In this case, Toyota should use the actual action to restore public recognition. Firstly at all, Toyota must admit its mistake and apologize to customers sincerely. In addition, Toyota should improve technology to produce a safe product in order to let customers satisfied with …show more content…

Volvo has won many awards in safety performance, and Volvo’s sales increased 7.5% from 2006~2007. (Jones, 2006) This case shows that technological factors have guided the direction of the development of the company’s products and determine the level of products. Volvo provides technical support for their new products via they innovate in safety aspects. This makes it has competitive advantages relative to other brands, and this is a bright spot to attract customers. That raises the Volvo’s reputation and improves the confidence of customers. Based on this, Volvo can increase its propaganda efforts, and let more customers learn about the safety of its new

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