The Essential Blue Eyed Essay Questions

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Introduction and Definition of Key Terms: Leo Tolstoy had said “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” but is that real? What if the world is wrong? We can often hear stories about somebody being racist; some of those people are celebrities, some of those are just normal people like us. I keep wondering why this would happen? Why are these things only happening in the United States of America? Is it wrong for color people to live here? What are their role in this society? I heard some different negative stereotypes about different races from some Europe countries, some of them are positive and some of them are negative, but none of those countries has racism like this. In the film “The Essential Blue-Eyed” we found some answers about these questions. In the film, Jane Elliott had …show more content…

Elliott are playing as “the society” and like what we said, those blue-eyes group are the “vulnerable groups”, no matter what the blue eye group was did, they always wrong, they will always get insult, but when the brown-eyes group did the same thing such as having smile on the face, the “society” doesn’t care. Because that’s one of the normal thing people will do, but when the vulnerable groups which is blue-eyes group in the experiment do the same thing, it will not be allowed without any reason. And those behaviors are not only just not allowed to the blue-eyes group, Ms. Elliott will often use insulting words to describe those behaviors and blame those behaviors due to their eye color. There is one time that the blue-eye group didn’t do anything, but Ms. Elliott still insult them by saying that they sweat too much so that make the room smells bad. She telling the blue-eyes group that she made the rule, so they can never win the only way they can win is just win in their mind. Even they have the victory in the mind but the fact had never change and this situation does not make them feel any

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