The Enigmatic Concept Of Time

2122 Words5 Pages

Andrew Gardner
Mrs. Fischer
The Enigmatic Concept of Time
We live a life of constants, the sun will rise, the seasons will change and time shall continue to flow. But everything is not what it seems. The sun is not really rising, as we perceive it to be. It is just our static position on the globe as we rotate, facing towards and away from the sun. The seasons are not changing, they are disappearing. Being replaced by their successor due to the Earth’s tilt, either leaning closer or further from the sun’s warmth and light. Such as these, time may be more intricate than was first believed.
There is no time like the present, literally, you do not live in the present. You actually live slightly in the past. Your brain is constantly processing everything you experience so in reality, you are really eighty milliseconds in the past. That may not seem like much, but certain neuroscientists disagree. Tests have been created to prove that this contrast can change your mindset of cause and effect. In one experiment, head by Benjamin Libet a pioneering scientist in the field of human consciousness, volunteers were asked to press a button that would cause a light to flash after a short delay. Once each person ran the trial about ten times, volunteers were beginning to see the flash instantly after they pressed the button. Their brains had gotten accustomed to the delay and began to censor it out. Subsequently, scientists eliminated the delay. Afterwards, volunteers began to express that they were seeing the flash before they pressed the button. While their brains attempted to recreate the events, it made a mistake and scrambled the order. They were seeing the consequence first, and the action second.
If you touch your to...

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.... We won’t even be aware of what is going on. This death of time will be instantaneous. Everything will be functioning properly in one moment, and not the next. We would all be frozen in our world and action for all eternity. Immortalized in time has just a memory of what you used to be and what you are, forever and ever.
So for those of you reading this, be steadfast in your life! Take nothing for granted and live life to the fullest. For everyday, as humans are beginning to unfold the intricate mysteries that permeate the universe, we are literally, not figuratively, running out of time. But be warned, exercise caution and be conscious in what you do, for you run the risk of being embedded in the fabric of time at any moment. Frozen in the echos of ages past, a permanent reminder of the complexity of past, present, and future for countless eons of nonexistent time.

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