The Elizabeth Poor Law

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Elizabeth Poor Laws: Why were they so important in the development of social welfare in North America?: The Elizabeth Poor Law advocated and placed responsibility of the poor to the churches and government. If parishes could not meet the responsibilities, counties were required to assume relief-giving functions. The government became the chief enforcer of poor relief. However, the local parishes fulfilled their welfare responsibilities in several ways. They provided outdoor relief to persons in the homes; provided indoor relief to person in special institutions that came to be variously known as almshouse, poorhouses or workhouses; or required person to become indenture servants or apprentices. It also required relatives to care for their impoverished relatives. The poor were provided with unemployment relief, initiated works; regulated local prices to help poor persons; gave in-kind assistance such a as food, clothing, and wood, provided health care; and removed children from abusive households’ and gave legal protection . Many local jurisdictions possessed “laws of settlement” that entitled people to receive local poor law relief after a year’s residence. The Elizabeth Poor Law, Act of 1601: were very important in the development of social welfare in North America because, of the migration of American settlers from England and Europe in the early part of the 17th century. They came with semi-feudal ideas and, created communal, hierarchical and regulated enclaves that conformed to older traditions. As North America gained strong popularity, and the increase in population, it was important to have a foundation or a guide that would help addressed the needs of the poor. The Elizabeth Poor Laws served as the guide f... ... middle of paper ... ...s that were adopted from the Elizabethan Poor Laws. I feel that the TANF, unemployment, health care, and many other social welfare programs need to be review and restructure. North America is a rich country, but the richer are getting richer and poorer are getting poorer. In order to improve the economy and raise the poor standard to higher economic status, we must not ignore the poor. We must understand them and leave the punitive attitude in the past. As per the advice of a friend, when I had my first child, I became a single parent and she encouraged me to applied for temporary government assistance (TANF). I mentioned it to my father and his reply was “over my dead body” public assistance is for the poor, the drug addicts, the lazy, stupid and the ones that have no goals for themselves or their children. This was enough to discourage me.

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