The Egyptian Chariot

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Summary Egypt begins new type of warfare on the backs of chariots. Using the chariot, the Egyptians are able to drive out the foreign occupiers (Hyksos) from their lands. In an attempt to replicate these impressive war machines, a team of experts goes to Cairo to attempt to assemble an Egyptian chariot within an 8-week timeframe. To bend the wood into the parts needed to build the chariot they find a shop in the suburbs that can bend wood using steam, which saturates the wood enough to allow it to bend. In order to gather more information about what key features the chariots had the group goes to various museums, tombs, and ruins to study more paintings and actual pieces of chariots to get a more accurate understanding of how the chariots were made. In the early stages of testing the harness gives the group immense troubles. This issue is that the mount slides backwards which puts the horses in immense …show more content…

This causes the horses to kick back at the chariot and make it difficult to ride. However, after some testing a fix is found. By tightening the yolks to the harness, they prevent the mount from sliding back and change is noticeable. Throughout testing, the chariot is able to maneuver well through various terrains and is also able to move around tight corners with ease. The group gets the chariot to reach a speed of 24 mph, which is approximately 2 mph short of what a horse and a jockey normally reach. The simulated weapon test goes smoothly as well. The suspension works excellently and it is definitely possible for an experienced archer to effectively fire at enemy troops from a chariot. Also using tactics the Egyptians most likely would have used (hit and run approach) the chariot performs beautifully, allowing the archer to fire arrows with accuracy while riding toward the enemy, then maneuvering a sharp turn to prevent as little vulnerability as possible, and then allowing the archer to fire arrows while riding away from

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