The Effects of Violent Pornography on Male's Aggression towards Women

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The area that I am interested in is the effects of violent pornography on men. There is a correlation between the amount of pornography consumed and attitudes that support violence against women. There is also an association between the type of pornography consumed (violent or non-violent) and their attitudes that support violence against women. Pornography contributes to the rape culture seen in today’s society. Men who watch more pornography and pornography that depicts non-consensual sexual activities are more likely to have attitudes that support violence and non-consensual sex with women.
In the study “Pornography, Individual Differences in Risk and Men’s Acceptance of Violence Against Women in a Representative Sample,” conducted by Malamuth, N. M., Hald, G., and Koss, M, the association between amount of pornography consumed and attitudes supporting violence against women is supported.
We want to know how type of pornography effects men’s aggression towards women. This experiment attempts to answer this question.
Hypothesis: In the sample, there will be an association between type of pornography used, violent and non-violent, and aggressive attitudes towards women.
All participants are students, undergraduate and graduate, at the University of South Carolina in Columbia. The participants consisted of 120 men whose ages ranged from 18 to 69 (M=23±3.14 years). The sample was acquired through advertisements in the university newspaper as well as the subject pool for sexual research at the University of South Carolina in Columbia.

Sampling Procedure:
Before the experiment, all 120 participants will be given informed consent forms that fully go over the experiment’s procedure, goal, as ...

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...gressive and 4 of those who were in the HLR moved to the LLR. Those who were exposed to the violent and non-consensual pornographic material were more aggressive and 8 of those who were in the LLR moved to the HLR.
This means that there is an association between violent pornography and aggression. Pornography could be a main contributor to the rape culture that is seen today. Rape culture is when women are blamed for when they are raped or the thought that women enjoy rape. This can add to science because we can be more mindful of the type of pornography that we watch and instill in the public that pornography is purely fictional.
Malamuth, N. M., Hald, G., & Koss, M. (2012). Pornography, individual differences in risk and men’s acceptance of violence against women in a representative sample. Sex Roles, 66(7-8), 427-439. doi:10.1007/s11199-011-0082-6

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