The Effects of Divorce

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Divorce has become a serious issue in modern day society for children and women. On the other hand, in this day in age, many married couples are separating at higher rates than in the past and married couples are becoming the minorities. Children are effected socially, emotionally, economically and in their ability to learn.
Children who are accustomed to living with both parents in the same household tend to be more effected by divorce than those who are not accustomed to their parents living in the same household. Furthermore, parents serve as role models, provide emotional, and practical support for their children. During the divorce process children usually loose contact with the father. Kelly and Emery (2003) report that on average fathers see their children four times per month, and 20% of the studies show that fathers have no contact with their children for 2-3 years following a divorce. This can have an emotional and cognitive effect on the child. “Separated and divorced people have the highest rates of adjustment problems and psychological disorders in the population (Carrere et al., 2000). Father’s usually set strengths and emotional stability and play a role in their children’s lives differently than the role of the mother and with both parents experiencing psychological distress it can effect the children’s well-being.
One of the many roles that father’s play in their children’s lives is the provider role. After divorce, children are negatively affected economically. Parents begin living in different households, even doubling their financial responsibilities. In fact, children face moving to lower income areas, changing school districts, and even loosing resources necessary for health and growth. The mothe...

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