The Effects Of Same Sex Couple Adoption On Children

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Adoption has been a high successful practices it is benefit to the children and the parents studies have shown but what if it was a not the average family, is there a different outcome? Same-sex couples adoption compared to heterosexual couples adoption, does this becomes a cause in the child’s mental development. Adoption affects the social, behavior, emotional, and academic learning of children. Over the years the data that has been collected shows that more and more same-sex couples are starting to adopt. Some many worry that the child will be affected and damage will happen causing the child’s mental development to be affected. Research shows that the child’s mental development does not differ from being adoption from a same-sex couple compared to a heterosexual couple. Their social adjustment is how they act in school, behavior, relationship, how they make friends is it easy or hard for them to make friends, and could they handle being in a social environment.The child’s social environment could be a long-term effect on the child’s social development and mental development. If same-sex couple adoption have an effect on the child’s social adjustment compared to heterosexual couples. Social science shows that an adopted child of a same-sex couple psychosocial adjustment and social adjustment is not different from a heterosexual

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