The Effects Of Meat On The Environment

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There are countless angles that can be tackled, to draw upon the agricultural corruptions of raising and consuming livestock which takes a major toll on the environment. In the midst of a global crisis, humans are at the centre of generating the pollution that is getting trapped into the atmosphere and turning to vegetarianism would be an ample approach to lower the ecological consequences towards the Earth. The paramount effects of the depleting Earth is noticeable from the immense input of resources such as land, soil and water and vast output of wastes such as greenhouse gases, to mass produce meat.

Meat is not catered to those in the lower class and thus they suffer, especially from the elimination of their crops or arable land that instead, is used to feed livestock or construct innumerable livestock plantations. Correspondingly, Clarke (2015) stated that “Currently 80% of the world's agricultural land is used directly or indirectly for animal production. The irony is that the more arable land we use, the more arable land we need” (p. 108). In the long run, there will be a decrease in the efficiency of farming operations if resources do not replenish as fast or at all, once they are used up.

Production of meat drastically depletes …show more content…

This leads heavily to the reduction of biodiversity and overall diminishing health of the environment to thrive and yield productivity. It was stated by Fox (2000) that “While the industrialized world and affluent societies turned their backs to biodiversity, the poor in the Third World have continued to depend on biological resources for food and nutrition, for health care, for energy, for fiber, and for housing” (p. 169). Although, it can be argued that the land for crop production can lead to land disruption, it is to a lesser extent because of the immobility of crops to destroy additional land unlike

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