The Effects Of Being Uneducated In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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The Effects of Being Uneducated The dangers of being uneducated is one of the main themes in George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm, as it is clear through the actions of the animals. In the novel Animal Farm, rebellion is started all throughout the farm, while the pigs are manipulating the uneducated animals into believing everything they hear and to doing things for them. This affects education because if the animal were educated, they could have realized that they were being manipulated and could have stopped it. The dangers of being uneducated includes being manipulated, believing everything that is said, and getting looked down upon. Manipulation was a strong outcome of the animals being uneducated. The pigs had all the power when it …show more content…

Being uneducated affected all the animals in a very negative way by resulting in the animals getting looked down upon. The pigs were known to be superior and the uneducated animals were looked at as the “working class”. Being educated had plenty of benefits such as all of the pigs took their meals into the kitchen to eat, the pigs even used the drawing room as a recreation room and they even slept in the beds, which breaks one of the seven commandments. “Nevertheless, some of the animals were disturbed when they heard that the pigs not only took their meals in the kitchen and used the drawing room as a recreation room, but they also slept in the beds.”(66). This quote specifically explained how the educated or the superior animals got more benefits over the non educated animals. The pigs got all of the power on the farm which left no power or rights to all of the other non educated animals on the farm. Learning the basic skills of education can take a lot of hard work, time, and dedication. The animals on Manor Farm obviously struggled trying to be educated. Education has a wide role both the novel and in life. Education is very important and sometimes you have to go through all the hard times such as manipulation, believing everything that is told that is wrong, and getting looked down upon. George Orwell shows the importance of having an education all throughout the novel Animal Farm by showing all
Brothers 4 the negative effects of being uneducated. If someone just puts forth all the time and hard work, education can result in great positive effects instead of negative effects like the ones shown in Animal

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