The Effect of Increasing Number of Turns in a Coil on an Electromagnet It Is Capable of Holding

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The Effect of Increasing Number of Turns in a Coil on an Electromagnet It Is Capable of Holding


In this investigation I aim to find out what effect increasing the

number of turns in a coil on an electromagnet will have on the

strength of the electromagnet, and the weight it is capable of

holding. I predict that the higher the number of turns there is on

the core the higher the amount of weight the magnet will hold. Also I

predict that, if I double the amount of turns in the coil on the core,

the magnetic field strength of the electromagnet will also double, I

will find out if this is true from the weight it is capable of


E.g.) 20 turns will hold 50 grams

40 turns I predict will therefore hold 100 grams

Above is a predicted example of what I think might happen when I

increase the numbers of turns in a coil on an electromagnet. I do not

know that twenty turns will hold fifty grams, as this is just an

estimated amount.



In a piece of iron there are millions of tiny ‘atomic magnets’, they

are called this because in each atomic magnet there is a North and a

South Pole. In the piece of iron these tiny atomic magnets line up

with each other in small groups, when they do this they become

domains. In a piece of iron, that is unmagnetised, the domains will

all point in different directions, see diagram 1 below, the domains

are shown by small arrows, the arrowhead indicates the North Pole. As

all the domains are pointing in different directions there will be no

true north seeking or south-seeking pole in the piece of iron as the

domains will cancel each other out, therefore the piece of iron will

remain unmagnetised.


when the piece of iron becomes magnetised, the tiny domains will all

turn to point the same direction.

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