The ER: A Short Story

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Listen, if you have ever been the the ER than you know it sucks to be there, cause you're usually in a lot of pain, USUALLY, not all the time but for me it’s never, I guess I have nerves of steel but does it matter? Short answer no. Ok back to the story, So About a year or maybe like I don’t know a year and a half ago I hit my leg with a trash bag no big deal right? Ha, Ha, WRONG! I unknowingly hurt my ankle bad enough to cut it open and cause it to bleed, bad. I had to go to the ER the second time in my life that I had to go. I think I was there for maybe an hour, I got about 15 stitches (probably less) but that didn’t hurt. Now what did hurt was getting the numbing medicine or morphine if we’re being specific but I carry on, It was in fact

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