The Dukes Of Hazzard: Jay Chandrasekhar's Remake

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The Dukes of Hazzard: A Critique of Jay Chandrasekhar’s Remake The Dukes of Hazzard is a 1979 action-packed television show that featured two daredevil Duke cousins (Bo and Luke), kind-hearted Uncle Jessie, and one sexy Daisy Duke. This seven season long smash hit is based upon a simple idea, Boss Hog and Roscoe P. Coltrane come up with different ideas to get rid of the Dukes and take the Duke farm. The Duke family along with friends must find different ways to keep their farm. This television show also featured another automotive character … The General Lee. The General Lee is a 1969 Dodge Charger owned by Bo and Luke Duke. General Lee is orange in color and has “01” painted on each door. The General Lee also has a conferate flag painted …show more content…

The cousins work together to save Hazzard County from something that will ruin their county. This is very similar to the backstory of the original Dukes of Hazzard. This film is directed Jay Chandrasekhar, you might recognize this name … he also directed the hilarious film “The Super Troopers.” So, let’s just jump right into this movie and see if it’s worth your time or if you should go back and watch the original series. The movie starts with the balladeer giving a speech similar to how the shows would start. I think this is a nice touch because it gives praise to the episodes. We are then introduced to the two actors that play Bo (Seann William Scott) and Luke (Johnny Knoxville). However, I don’t think that casting Seann William Scott as Bo was a good choice. To me, Scott has that city-boy look to him and is not good-looking enough to play Bo. I like Johnny Knoxville as Luke, I appreciate Knoxville acting in an actual movie instead of him trying to kill himself in Jackass. I feel this shows he is trying to mature and not be a 46 year -old acting like a …show more content…

This is where they fucked up. Boss Hogg is known for his hatred of the Dukes, greediness and large physique. Well, they cast a skinny Burt Reynolds? Are they crazy they basically cut the character in half. Roscoe is played by M.C Gainey and his role was … not much to watch. We then cut to Cooter’s garage and here is where another problem with the movie arises. Cooter’s part in the movie is he fix’s the car, perves on daisy and that’s it. Whereas Cooter’s character is a well-rounded, respectable guy that wants to help his friends. In the movie, he is a hillbilly that’s really perverted and has maybe 4 minutes of

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