The Titanic Dr. Roger McCarthy, disaster analysis expert, Exponent, Inc. noted, "The Titanic is one of the most classic illustrations of that: had just one thing been different, the disaster wouldn't have happened" (McIver 1). Meaning, the Titanic could have easily been prevented. Although the Titanic was a very nice and fancy boat, The Titanic was proved on April 14, 1912, that is was sinkable. The Titanic set sail from Southampton, England and was sailing for New York. At 11:35 at night, a member of the crew noticed the iceberg (Vander 1). This crew member was the captain Edward J. Smith. By the time he could do anything about it, the ship had already hit the iceberg (Landau 7).There were 2,208 people on board that night (Johnson 2). Due …show more content…
A crew member received multiple warnings the night of the accident but chose not to listen (Ballard 18). Not only he caused the boat to sink, but there was also a defect when the people first built the Titanic. “...the individual bulkheads were indeed water could pour from one compartment into another, especially if the ship began to list or pitch forward,” ( 1). If the Titanic were to hit something and somehow move upside down, the ship would flood from the very front. The third cause of the disaster was the reliability of the radio. The crew tried warning other ships about the disaster, but because their radio technology was not necessarily reliable, they could not find help fast enough to get there before the Titanic would sink. When the ship hit the iceberg, the front section of the ship started flooding. Eventually, people started getting in lifeboats. Which leads to the last cause of the disaster, there were not enough lifeboats to spare for everyone. They did try getting help, but the only help they got was the Carpathia. Unfortunately, it was too …show more content…
"The Fateful Night." Exploring the Titanic. New York: Scholastic,
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Landau, Elaine. "Titanic." Maritime Disasters. New York: Franklin Watts, 1999. 7-21. Print.
McIver , Terry. “A Titanic Disaster, That Could Have Been Avoided.” Contracting Business,
7 Apr. 2014,
"Titanic Disaster." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 2016, p. 1p. 1. EBSCOhost, Vander Hook, Sue. The Titanic. Abdo Publishing, 2008. Essential Events. EBSCOhost,
"We are all going to die!" That is what 1500 people were thinking when the Titanic was going down, and they were right. The Titanic was the biggest ship in the world at the time. The Titanic hit an iceberg on April 14, 1912, and over 1500 lives were lost to the deep Atlantic. The person responsible was J. Bruce Ismay. Ismay left the ship with woman and children still on board when he could of saved other people, he ultimately decided for the Titanic to only have 20 lifeboats, and Ismay owned the company that made and designed the Titanic and all of its flaws.
Thomas Andrews made several faults when designing the Titanic. Blueprints were not even made for the Titanic. He made sixteen watertight compartments and this was one of the reasons people thought it was unsinkable. But Thomas made compartments smaller than they needed to be, height wise, so that there was more room for the first class passengers. Since it was too small, the doors in the compartments were mostly open. Since they were left open five of the compartments flooded, the ship needed four flooded to stay afloat. So, the Titanic sank way faster then it should have ; or it would not have sunk at all. Historians say that, “The belief that the ship was unsinkable was, in part, due to
Why did the Titanic sink, exactly? The Titanic sank because people didn’t listen to the many warnings that were given. “...; at least five ice warnings had reached the ship;..” (R.M.S
April 14, 1912, the Titanic set sail for a maiden voyage. Some of the people on board never thought that it would be goodbye forever. The Titanic was heading to New York City from Southampton, England. Why does the Titanic now lay at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean? Historians believe that the Titanic sank because of human error. They believe that it was Captain Smith, the lookouts in the crows nest, and Thomas Andrews fault.
The story behind the Titanic is controversial, some people have seen the movie but they do not know the real facts behind it. This essay is going to talk about the main factors behind the Titanic’s failure, the design, the manufacturer, materials, the crew, survivors, cost of building the ship, the engine, as well as human errors, and the cause from different point of view. The ship's captain was Edward Smith. The Titanic was built in Belfast, Northern Ireland in the spring of 1909, for transatlantic passenger and mail services, it was recorded that 15,000 workers helped in the building of the Titanic, on 14/04/1912 it departed from Southampton, England, heading to New York across the Atlantic Ocean but it went through freezing weather conditions with many icebergs owing to human and mechanical errors, along it’s sail, the ship did not succeed in crossing the Atlantic Ocean
April 14th, 1912, will go down in history as a day when disaster struck. It was the day the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg that after a mere four hours, caused it to sink to the bottom of the ocean, taking 1,500 people with it. But it wasn’t just one thing that caused this tragedy, and although there were many individuals and events that led to the sinking of the Titanic, the person most responsible for the sinking of this ship is Bruce Ismay. He chose not to put enough lifeboats on the Titanic, urged the captain to make the ship maintain speed while passing through ice fields, and allowed the use of cheap material and watertight compartments that didn’t reach high enough. At the time, there was lots of competition to see who could sail across the Atlantic Ocean the fastest.
The Lusitania was destroyed in the same was as the Titanic as they could not pull the boats into the sea and water kept rushing into the hull through the front where the torpedo hit as the boat couldn’t be stopped.
The Titanic claimed to be the ship of its time; one that would never sink. However, what the Titanic claimed to be was not the case because on April 15, 1912 the Titanic hit an iceberg, broke in half, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. There has been debate ever since that fateful day as to how this happened to the Titanic. Some conspiracy theorist believe the ship never even sank -- regardless of the ships remains at the bottom of the ocean. Other conspiracy theorists believe the Titanic was actually switched with the RMS Olympic because of an insurance scam. Ever since that day, many scientists, engineers, and physicists have tried to analyze the problems of the Titanic; the reasons why it sank.
The ship, R.M.S Titanic, has been popular several different times in a little over 100 years. The first time in April 1912 when it first sailed for North America. This great ship was said to be unsinkable. Many errors led to the major tragedy of the Titanic, including the life boats were not all there or filled as much as they should have been, the ship tried to go full speed to break the iceberg, and the Californian ship did not respond the Carpathia had saved the rest.
One of the most famous ideas, person, etc., God, was said he could not force this ship to fail. So, the man who painted the sky, presented Earth with oceans, and built mountains couldn’t sink a ship? If the people of the world had not been so gullible and intrigued to the false, could the ship have survived? It is something to be discussed, but theoretically, yes. If the general public had not pushed the idea of an invincible ship to the Captain of the Titanic, Captain Edward Smith, by default he would have been significantly more cautious when directing and handling the massive craft. The Titanic was revolutionary to modern luxury liners, but society had to ruin its magnificent potential. Overall the conflict between society and the Titanic was slightly indirect. The antagonists all thought they were up talking the ship, and describing it as if it were a messiah. But, the protagonist vessel really couldn’t meet the bar of these expectations. While the antagonists were not “mean” or “cruel” per say, they did contribute to the infamous sinking of the most famous ship of the 20th
Imagine you’re peacefully sailing along on a giant cruise liner in the middle of the ocean. But suddenly, you feel a shaking and the boat starts to tip. But how could this be? This boat is supposed to be unsinkable. People run to the far side of the boat, trying to avoid impending doom. Panic sets in aboard the Titanic. There are many theories of the cause of this loss of life, but I believe that the primary cause of catastrophic loss of life on the Titanic was the poor communication between crew members because a critical iceberg warning was never delivered to the captain, the Titanic was traveling at full speed in an ice field, and the captain of the ship was very relaxed about the iceberg, making it not seem like a threat.
The size of the Titanic made for a few glitches in design. No ship builder had ever attempted to build a ship of this size before. The rudders met requirements, but, the design was out of date. The designers did not think about designing them to allow the Titanic to better maneuver. The standard at the time was a triple screw engine configuration, however this caused the Titanic to be unable to turn while in reverse. This was due to the larger size of the ship. The bow of the ship was stronger and could have possibly with stood a head on collision. The Titanic was equipped with three engines, each one weighed 720 tons. They were heated by burning coal. There were not a sufficient amount of lifeboats on the ship. There were only enough lifeboats to carry half of those people on board. The lifeboats they did have were not boarded to full capacity. The lifeboats were able to carry sixty-five people. Unfortunately, there were only twenty-eight to thirty people on each boat. Many more lives could have been saved if the rich were willing to share a lifeboat with the
April 11, 1912, the RMS Titanic set sail to America. The passenger boat was the trip of a lifetime. The Titanic The ship took two years to construct and build- many people believed it was unsinkable. On the fourth night of sailing, April 15, 1912, the RMS Titanic sunk into the pits of the Atlantic ocean and changed the world forever. Overall, there was 2,208 people who boarded the ship in total. Only 708 people survived (Deborah Hopkinson Titanic; Voices from the Disaster 12). This tragic accident changed the world for the worse.
The Titanic set voyage on April 1912 to New York. The Titanic and its sister ships, Olympia and Britannic were said to be virtually unsinkable by a magazine article, not the White Star Line. The Titanic was the second ship to set sail on its maiden voyage out of the three sister ships. The Titanic had been built a lot differently than most of the ships back then. For example, a normal ship was built with three funnels but the Titanic had four. The fourth funnel did not serve the same purpose like the other three; its use was for steam to be released from the kitchen. Another example was that the Titanic was the biggest ship at the time. The ship had received ice warnings at least six different times from ships but Captain Smith had ignored
The Titanic, one of the biggest well known tragedies in history. The horrific accident was a catastrophe that impacted the world. Devastating news that this colossal ship everyone thought was indestructible had sunk from a collision with an iceberg. But the question is, could the terrible tragedy have been stopped? Why did the Titanic give so easily following the hit?