The Difference Between That Was Then And Then This Is Now

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The novel That was Then, This is Now by S.E. Hinton tells the story of the two main characters: Mark and Bryon. At the beginning of the book, it shows how the two love each other and think of each other as brothers since they had been living together ever since Mark’s parents shot each other when he was nine. Throughout the novel, you see how both characters are similar and also how they are different. You see this through the decisions they make and also their view on certain things. One thing they both have in common is hustling people for money in pool games. This is one of their main hobbies and happens a lot throughout the course of the story. Since neither are able to get and keep a job, this is how they provide money for their family. …show more content…

The main difference between the two are their views on doing “bad” things. Even if Bryon participates in hustling people at the bar or jumping people, he understands the fact that those things are wrong and against the law. Mark, on the other hand, doesn’t realize that those things are wrong to do and doesn’t consider the consequences. This statement is most prominent when Bryon finds out that Mark was selling drugs to make money. He doesn’t comprehend how terrible of a thing that is to do and is only thinking of the money he needs to get. Another thing they differ on are their views of Cathy. For Bryon, she makes him very happy and enjoys spending time with her. Mark, however thinks of Cathy as a person who is stealing Bryon away from him. He is angry at Bryon for dating her and this causes a “gulf” between the two. The last difference between the two is mostly Mark’s inability to grow up. You see how Bryon and his viewpoints change throughout the story. These include how he isn’t interested in fighting anymore and just takes life a little more seriously. Whenever he talks about his changing perspectives, Mark immediately shows the opposed side and shows anger towards Bryon’s changing views. Overall, Mark and Bryon show great similarities and differences between both of them in this novel. You see this through their actions, thoughts, and even their pasts. Although many of the things they do are identical, their viewpoints and perspective are completely

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