The Destruction Of Humanity In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Next, Victor had to come up with a way to make the monster happy. The creatures desire throughout the book was human contact (Bond). He wanted to be accepted by the human population (Lustig). The only way the monster would be happy is if he had a companion (Shelley 135). As stated by the monster, “I demand a creature of another sex” (Shelley 135). All he wanted to leave Victor and his family alone was a female. Victor hesitated to create a female for the monster because he feared that they would destroy the world (Shelley 134). As stated by Harlan and McCoy in Hobbes view on human nature the life of a person is a competition with others. The monster and Victor are in competition because Victor wants the monster to leave him alone and the monster is in competition with Victor because all he wants is a companion and Victor will not give it to him. Due to this competition many lives were lost and in the end all that …show more content…

After everything Victor has been through now he has to be alone in this world. He has lost everyone in his family and now all he has left is the monster. He faces a lot of regret because he was the one who created the monster who killed his family. He blames himself for all their deaths. Victor stated, “ They all died by my hands” (Shelley 175). Now he is faced with living without all of them because of his creation. He realizes that the creation took over his life and that he was now the slave and the monster was the master (Shelley 210). Victor toward the end of his book accepts the grief in his dying by saying, “My spirit will sleep in peace, or if it thinks, it will not surely think thus. Farewell” (Shelley 213). The only bad thing about him waiting till death to accept his wrong doings is that he never got to stand up for his family until the end when they were all already gone (Schmid). This marks the end of Victors struggles because now that his is dead he no longer struggles with science or the

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