The Design Argument for the Existence of God

917 Words2 Pages

The Design Argument for the Existence of God

While theology may take God's existence as absolutely necessary on the

basis of authority, faith, or discovery, many philosophers have

thought it possible to demonstrate by reason that there must be a God.

The teleological argument, also known as the argument from design

quite simply states that a designer must exist since the universe and

living things display elements of design in their order, consistency,

unity and pattern. The argument says that things in the world move

towards goals, just as the arrow does not move toward its goal except

by the archer's directing it. Consequently there must be an

intelligent designer who directs all things to their own goals, this

being God.

William Paley continued the argument of Socrates, Plato, and Aquinas,

e said that if one found a watch in a field, one would automatically

conclude that it was made by a watchmaker because of its obvious

design.The complex design of the world also points to a grand


When we look at life and the universes, it is natural to conclude

there is a designer when we see how perfectly the universe and living

organisms operate. The eye is typically used as an example of design,

in order for it to work there must be many different parts compacted

together that individually have no function but have value only in a

designed whole. Everything has to be complete in regularity and order

for it to function, this function is therefore implied by design.

The design argument claims that animals, plants and planets show clear

signs of being designed for specific purposes therefore there must

have been a de...

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... and nothing more is a personally

unsatisfactory one due to the extraordinary nature of the universe and

so whilst the Teleological Argument may not conclusively prove the

existence of God it suggests that the existence of a Designer, who we

know as God, is a more probable likelihood than not.

Personally, I would like to believe that there is a God, unfortunately

it is clear to me that an existence based upon true faith is no longer

an acceptable tradition to follow. The topic remains highly

controversial as the argument can not fully grant us a link between

the observed world with a God beyond. The teleological argument is

aposteori; formulated by unfounded conclusions from analogies of

empirical observation and who is there to say that they have had

enough worldly experience and knowledge to make these conjectures.

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