The Depth of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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Wuthering Heights was written by Emily Bronte’. It would be the least to say her imagination was quite impressive. Through imagination as a child, Bronte’ and her sisters would write children stories, which inspired some popularly known novels. Wuthering Heights contains crossing genres, changing settings, multiple narrators, and unreliable narrators. George R. R. Martin wrote the book Game of Thrones, which is one of the modern day novels that contain several of Emily Bronte’s writing techniques used in Wuthering Heights. Game of Thrones could be compared fairly easily to Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte’ opened the doors for new techniques and different styles of writing for many modern novelist.
Wuthering Heights introduces the readers to spiral narratives. Readers will gain their knowledge through a range of narrators. Lockwood would give the reader the frame narrative, in Wuthering Heights. Nelly Dean will provide the reader with a central narrative. The reader also receives information through Cathy Earnshaw’s diaries, and Isabella provides letters. The reader can finish with Heathcliff’s narrative. In Game of Thrones, our modern day novel, follows these same lines of changing narrators. Each chapter contains one of the important character’s narrative. Arya is an important character in Game of Thrones, she has a chapter of her point of view throughout the book. The reader can be opened to a range of different points of view through this method. The different point of view in both novels creates an open view of each character.
Once the reader learns about each character, they can become more familiar of the truth underlying what is being portrayed. At this time readers trusted the majority of their narrators. Readers woul...

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...vides particular dictions for important characters that parallel with their personalities.
Emily Bronte' imagination created new techniques that our modern day authors use today. Wuthering Heights causes some controversy, even this lasted decades. Wuthering Heights will inspired people to use next styles then, and will continue to for the future.

Works Cited

Brontë, Emily, and Pauline Nestor. Wuthering Heights. London: Penguin Books, 2003. Print.
Martin, George R.R.. Game Of Thrones Book Three Of A Song Of Ice And Fire: A Storm Of Swords:. New York: Bantam Dell, 2003. Print.
Varghese, Dr. Lata Marina. "Stylistic Analysis of Emily Bonte's Wuthering Heights." Volume 2. Issue 5. 46-50. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (JHSS), n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. .

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