The Death of Romeo and Juliet

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The Death of Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is considered to be one of the

greatest love tragedies of all time. Shakespeare, who is known to be a

successful playwright for his remarkable plays and beautiful poetry,

manages to create a classical play filled with strong emotions,

tension, action, violence, humor and most importantly, love. This play

is set in Verona when two “star crossed lovers” meet and fall in love

passionately. Most of the responsibility for the deaths of Romeo and

Juliet should be put upon their parents, themselves, and fate.

Romeo and Juliet’s parents should be hold responsible for their

children’s death. Throughout the whole play the Capulet's and the

Montague's have a distinct hatred for each other. This hatred only

causes Romeo and Juliet to lie to their parents about their love. When

Juliet finds out Romeo is a Montague, she is devastated. Even though

their families are enemies, this doesn’t stop them from getting

married. Friar Lawrence marries them believing this will end the feud

between the two families, “In one respect I'll thy assistant be: For

this alliance may so prove to turn your household's rancour to pure

love.” Juliet’s parents, mainly her father, force her to marry Paris

which she refuses reluctantly. This causes Juliet to search for a way

of not marrying Paris, due to the fact that she is already married to

Romeo and loves him deeply. She later on agrees to take a poison in

order to make everybody believe she’s dead. Unfortunately, Juliet

wakes up too late making Romeo assume she’s dead and causing him to

kill himself. Afterwards, Juliet commits suicide since her only love

is dead. If Romeo and Juliet’s parents had been more understanding,

they wouldn’t be dead.

Romeo and Juliet should be blamed for their own death. Romeo expresses

grief to Benvolio over the loss of his love Rosaline, “Griefs of mine

lie heavy in my breast”, and just hours later, he falls for Juliet and

so does she. This shows they were too impulsive in their relationship.

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