The Death Of The Author Analysis

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Subjectivity; in the Mind of the Beholder
When writing occurs, the works are distinguished, but no unified meaning is deciphered. It is the option of the reader to decide whether a text contains an inherent meaning or the inability to find meaning at all. The Novella, Balthazar’s Marvelous Afternoon, allows the reader to determine meaning and to distinguish whether Balthazar’s generous approach possesses an underlying meaning. This concept is relevant to Barthes’s work, which criticizes the author’s intentions versus the interpreted context. The Death of the Author, discusses the theory of how an author enters his own death as the act of writing is taking place. This theory no longer allows the author to have definitive authority over the reader. To prevent “interpretive tyranny,” the reader must be able to separate a work from the inventor and conclude one’s own viewpoint.
Acknowledging Barthes’s theory allows the reader to break free of dictatorship the author may posses by promoting the reader to freely think about the pieces of literature such as Balthazar’s Marvelous Afternoon. Autonomous thinking gives the reader the advantage of discovering the duplicity of a potential underlying connotation or simply deciding not to delve deeper for hidden implications that may be sought out by the author. Barthes’s, The Death of the Author, provides the reader with knowledge and enlightenment in order to have the freedom to dive and think critically about the subject and characters written about in the narrative by Balzac. Barthes’s, The Death of the Author, proposes literary theories that can be directly related to the subjectivity of how a reader chooses to synthesis the meaning or meaninglessness of Balthazar’s Marvelous Afternoon.

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...within the author but stays alive within the reader, as he becomes the remaining chief; the live spirit of interpretation and significant connotations. Although the text may become derivative as it is translated from author to text, the inability to conquer the true meaning of the authors is solely left up to the subjectivity of the reader.
The birth of the reader is sacrificed at the author’s death. “Perception without reason is mere experience, but reason without perception is nothing.” The theories presented in Barthes’s literature promote the reader’s perception with reason. The text promotes independent thinking knowing the reader may posses a subjective bias. The birth of the reader through reading texts similar to Barthes’s consciously challenges the reader’s perception and reason of experience to connect to novellas such as Balthazar’s Marvelous Afternoon.

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