Essay On Literary Masterpieces

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Literary Masterpiece in Contemporary Society
Literary masterpieces are a reflection of society that helps educate by using spiritual, intellectual, and political themes. According to Woolf (2014), “…masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice” (para. 12). This paper will explore the powerful literary masterpieces from different cultures where their lessons are still relevant today. The characters and their interactions make the story entertaining, while the lesson to be learned from the characters makes it a masterpiece. Societies come and go, but the lessons from these stories never change. The purpose of this paper is to define what a masterpiece is, how it reflects on society, the qualities it contains, and how they are still relevant today.
Literary Masterpieces Today
A literary masterpiece can encompass different forms of writing. It should include elements such as plot, setting, characters, protagonist, antagonist, conflict, mood or tone, and theme. A masterpiece is one that also carries a theme that is artistic and contains hidden intellectual value. It can be used to share tales of how creation came into existence or it can also be used to tell the story of a hero, such as Beowulf. Such work continues to be read as a masterpiece because of its interpretation and portrayal of personal experiences. A literary masterpiece is universal, because it has spiritual value and evokes the readers’ emotions through suggestiveness and style. The ability to apply and explain human experience makes a work of literature a masterpiece. People seek to read a work that is relat...

... middle of paper ... masterpieces of the past.
Stories are a wonderful way to convey ideas while entertaining the reader. Literary masterpieces are one of the most important devices in practice that mirrors society. The complex topics from previous generations are still relevant today. Spiritual, intellectual, and political themes make the reader identify with the characters’ trials within the literary masterpieces. When the author uses characters, the reader can explore his or her own questions of society. A masterpiece is not used to answer questions, but to inspire the reader to delve into their own problems. Masterpieces are used to make the reader think and not just accept the popularly held beliefs. According to Santayana (1980), “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it “ (p. 104). This statement holds true for literary masterpieces, as well.

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