The Death Of Birth By Paul Hawken

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In chapter 2, “The death of birth” Paul Hawken discusses the issue of corporation exploitation of the earth resources. Paul Hawken challenges the commonly held belief in that the earth exist to be exploited for its natural resources. He espouse that the promise of the earth extend further than extracting and stripping of resources rather the earth’s environment is in danger of collapse due to it.
Hawken requests for a simple recognition that the sustenance of life systems are a much bigger goal than the current profit systems. The process of modern industrialization do not imitate the natural cyclical processes of nature. This meant that, what is a waste in one process cannot be used in the next step, hence this is a linear process. Also businesses continue to harvest resources from the earth at an ever increasing rate without considering the finite nature of these resources.
Also Hawken notes the fear of among business that to stop growing equals suicide to be a main driver. Hence in the current world economy businesses have to be in perpetual growth to survive. The free market advocates believe that a system based on the best social and environmental outcome cannot be default of the system. In place of the current system Hawken calls for a restorative economy which works differently.
Instead of “business divested by real connections to cycles, climate, Earth, or nature,” the restorative economy will offer full employment, more security, better education, less fear, more stability and a higher quality of life.
Due to the fact that there is no substantive effort to study environmental degradation, the scope and methods of obtaining information about the problem has hampered our understanding of the pro...

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... reform in the economy is needed to implement the basic framework of the proposed system.
Also this involves developing markets for activities which enhance and restore the environment, and it needs to be done internationally since degradation of environment–global warming and attendant storms, for example--is an international consequence.a change.
A change in social consciousness and behavior is required. People need to be educated on how a change in their attitudes alone, especially to energy resources and products, can go a long way to influencing businesses to initiate a change in their operation model. Finally, a national agenda is so important, because a concise government policy will encourage business to move towards a sustainable business model. Developing the market for sustainable business activities will allow Business seek out opportunities.

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