The Dangers of Scuba Diving and Underwater Exploration

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Scuba diving can be a fun activity, you just have to take certain health and safety precautions. There are

lots of dangers in scuba diving, and underwater exploration. There is always the danger of a shark

attack. Sharks are closer to the banks during the months of April through September. From the months

of October through March, they have migrated South for the Winter. After returning from migration,

sharks are often hungry and tend to feed on things other than whats on their diet. Most attacks on

humans are in the months of April and March. One of the main staples on a sharks diet is a sea turtle.

When a diver is in all of their gear, sharks mistake them for sea turtles. Although a shark attack is a

danger, it is not very common. (“Dangers”) Another danger of scuba diving and underwater

exploration is problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or the GI System. Diving a very deep depths can

cause intestinal gas trapping. This can lead to subsequent expansion, and a high possibility of a

of the tract. You should never dive with a cold, flu, or asthma, this can cause swelling or blockage of t

Eustachian tubes, which will cause troubled breathing. Never dive while carrying an unborn child, this

can cause birth defects such as, cleft pallet, club foot, extra limbs, down-syndrome, autism, and spina

bifida. Diving while pregnant can also cause premature death to the baby. (“Fitness”) It can also cause

death to the mother. If you have never dove before, your first dive may cause dizziness or nausea. If

you were diving and threw up in your diving gear, you could choke or suffocate. Diving can also cause

damage your eyes and your ears. The pressure from your diving mask can cause “red eyes.” This


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...experience, and it can improve your

joint, and muscular health. All you need is proper training, a boat, the right equipment, a place

to dive, and motivation.

Works Cited

“Dangers” Dangers of Diving. January 17 2014 “Fitness” Fitness in Scuba. February 3 2014 “Gear” Scuba Gear. January 20 2014 “Health” Health and Fitness. February 3 2014 “Sites” Sites for Diving. January 6 2014 “Sports” Water Sports. February 1 2014

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