The Cyber Bullying And The Problem Of Cyberbullying

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Cyberbullying It used to be waking up going to school and ducking and dodging your everyday bully was a mission. But as time grew and we grew with it bullying has become more than your everyday lunch money stealing, wedgie pulling and name calling. It has reached your homes, phones and other communication sources mainly the internet. Cyberbullying which is a use of electronic communication to bully a person by sending messages of an intimating nature. Such as sending hurtful or threatening messages through instant or text messages to spreading rumors online or posting embarrassing photos or videos meant to mock or humiliate someone. Cyberbullying has grown out of hand and things need to be implemented to sojourn or dawdling down of this online bullying. As people start to really understand cyberbullying and the effects it has on the people that are affected by it and their families are affected by this array as well. Cyberbullying is not just a social thing it does immense pain and psychological difficulties for its victims. Especially leading to suicide in some cases. Cyberbullying unfortunately is a growing problem especially among teenagers who use the internet which the way society is …show more content…

Even laws differ by every state cyberbullying can turn into illegal actions. At that point if it should get to that point law enforcement may need to take action. Some of the states that participated in the movement to stop cyberbullying are. Alabama being one of them they created a misdemeanor for any offense electronics or harassing communications. In Delaware schools are given authority to take action alongside any technological bullying if occurring off or on campus, only if there is any connection with the campus. Another good thing they do is each school district has to have an anti-bullying policy will Intel the correct procedures to report any demeanor of bullying and will have consequences for

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