The Cove Film Analysis

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The Cove Review 1. Who are the film’s subjects? The film’s subjects are the dolphins, in the town of Taiji, Japan, fishermen, who slaughter them and try to hide the cove from being filmed and try to get the crew of Louie Psihoyos, which consists of dolphin activists, divers, surfers, film producers, scientists, and other crew members, who help Louie and O’Barry with the stopping mass killing of dolphins on their cove. The main subject are the dolphins. The other class is the team to help the subjects be free from captivity, but still play as helping protagonists of the film, and the fishermen are the ones against their belief because they make a hefty dime, which makes them the antagonists. The Dolphins have no choice in what to do except to try to swim for their lives to get away from the fishermen. 2. What is the film’s approach? …show more content…

The main plot throughout it explains itself. The approach is to stop the killing of Dolphins. Series of interviews hidden footage from cameras planted on the site to show what the fishermen are doing to the dolphins. It is very graphic to see the footage at the end of the film. The films approach did prove that they are killing the dolphins, but in an inhumane way and they laugh and smoke cigarettes over it. In interviews with the leader of Taiji’s Cove says that they kill them in one swoop to make sure there is no suffering. I agree with Jeannette Catsoulis, who states “an exceptionally well-made documentary that unfolds like a spy thriller, complete with bugged hotel rooms, clandestine derring-do and mysterious men in gray flannel suits.” The story unfolds slowly showing a series of clips and interviews and showing the team preparing to enter the cove of Taiji to plant the cameras to show the cruelty of the hidden site that no one has access too. The clips are a preparation to show the final scene that shows the gruesomeness of

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