The Courtier: The Roles Of Women During The Renaissance

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Now a day’s people look for certain types of characteristics to be found in a specific person they want. During the Renaissance a book called “The Courtier” was published and became popular because it spoke on how an ideal male or female individual should be like. A couple of characteristics for a perfect man during the Renaissance was being polite, charming, strong, well educated, and many more. Females on the other hand also had characteristics that were less dominant such as not seeking fame, inspire art/poetry but not create it, not to take part in public life, paints, well educated, and a few more. Fast forwarding to the 21st century we necessarily do not have the exact same but we have similar views on each gender. The characteristics …show more content…

Females during the time of war were the ones that were dominant at home and at the work place because the men were at war fighting. Our nation was built by the females. But I believe that society tends to put down the female race because they don’t believe they can handle the power if given to them. Who would have ever thought that we’d be having females run for presidency and almost win. Society has pictured the ultimate female and goes off of that. Many females don’t have the perfect model like face and neither do men but society appreciates the people who do have the model like face more. Necessarily that means that a model company will only accept a pretty face over an intelligent person, meaning you could be uneducated and by just having a pretty face become successful. Being a perfect human cannot be something that is obtainable and if it can be it’s a natural gift given to you at birth. Not many people would agree with how wrong society is when it comes to looking for certain types of things in people because it’s just not …show more content…

A lot of people can agree with that because they can see that even many years ago those were the traits that were the top ones and still today they are like that. It’s totally acceptable to believe that you’re a perfect human being but in a way you’re setting yourself up for failure in the long run. You can’t see yourself as being perfect at all times because perfect means there’s no getting better than what you already are. But I am glad to say that since we are so diverse and also females taking more leadership roles it makes the world a more equal society. Not all will understand that and some may say that a female cannot be more of a confident person than a male but they absolutely

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