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The importance of free speech in universities
Chapter6 the right to freedom of speech
Freedom of speech on campus
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It is a very common point of view that individuals have the right to their opinions. Indeed, a central feature of autonomy is the freedom of thought, and any person or society which values individual autonomy must consequently treat it as a fundamental right. A fundamental right is one that may not be violated, even for the sake of a public good. As it would be wrong to kill ten carriers of a dangerous disease to prevent its spread to a thousand others, it would be wrong to punish people for holding unpopular or even reprehensible beliefs. There is no fundamental right, however, to act on one’s beliefs. If a person believes that all who are not a member of their particular religion should be killed, that is their right. But if they begin …show more content…
It seems fairly clear that hate speech when it targets historically or currently oppressed or disadvantaged groups has more power to cause mental and emotional pain than when it is directed at others. However, emotional distress is not itself a harm that can justify restricting speech. Arthur and Altman both agree on this point. Arthur concludes that the content alone of an act of speech cannot cause harm, and therefore that content restrictions like those in university speech codes are unjustifiable. The manner in which an opinion is expressed may be restricted, just as it can by governments: if an act of speech causes disruption to someone’s life, property, or education, then the university should not allow it, regardless of its …show more content…
This is a useful concept when applied to institutions and particularly to governments. Equal consideration dictates that the interests of people who may be offended by what they consider to be hate speech should be taken into account, even if such speech does not otherwise constitute harm against them. This means that universities should never commit or endorse acts of hate speech, and perhaps should even publicly condemn them. However, the institution is not responsible for the speech of individuals, and thus allowing it cannot be considered an act of expression. There is indeed no sufficient harm that individual hate speech causes to justify restricting it. In order to create a space that is safe for all people, a university community should instead commit to endorse in speech and action those values it agrees with. Allowing acts of hate speech does not mean granting them an equal platform, nor does it mean shielding them from criticism. In fact, it is probably more effective for opponents of hate speech to openly debate hateful ideas than to ban them. Minds are not changed by repression. Mill knew that, and the very purpose of a university is based upon that
Throughout America, people place a high value in their freedom of speech. This right is protected by the first Amendment and practiced in communities throughout the country. However, a movement has recently gained momentum on college campuses calling for protection from words and ideas that may cause emotional discomfort. This movement is driven mainly by students who demand that speech be strictly monitored and punishments inflicted on individuals who cause even accidental offense. Greg Lukianoff and Johnathan Haidt discuss how this new trend affects the students mentally and socially in their article The Coddling of the American Mind published in The Atlantic Monthly. Lukianoff and Haidt mostly use logical reasoning and references to
Lawrence’s reasons, “Carefully drafted university regulations would bar the use of words as assault weapons…”(67). The education system holds primarily the younger generations who one day will run this country. We want to encourage a nation that sticks to the values that are expected and continue to have an integrated society. I agree with Lawrence that regulations need to be added, but why stop at just the education system? If an enforcement is going to be made on what can be said verbally through hate speech in one area, I believe that it should be present in all aspects such as the work field, public places, and media. There is not a way to make a strong government ban on the use of every form of hate speech but if larger industries start declaring it unacceptable it will set an example for society to follow. No one should feel as if they do not belong in a certain area or place due to their ethnicity or race. The most current situation could be Americans discriminating against Muslims and relating them to ISIS, this may not seem like segregation but it is discriminating and separating someone due to assumptions about them due to their background that they cannot change. Slowly but surely, if one American steps up and takes action our nation has the power to change hate speech forever and encourage a peaceful
Charles R. Lawrence intended audience in his article “On Racist Speech” is college students and universities. His sense of tone is forthcoming. Lawerence word choice sets the tone by using the words conspicuous,dissenter, and bigot. The article gives examples of how universities do not protect minority college students. Lawrence states that universities should protect their students He also gives an example of how universities have tried to have rules to ban racist speech yet they have proven ineffective in stopping racial slurs. The regulations have not stopped the verbal brutality yet it has stopped the occurrences of physical fights. He mentions how students do not have any need to be hurt verbally.
Freedom of speech has been a controversial issue throughout the world. Our ability to say whatever we want is very important to us as individuals and communities. Although freedom of speech and expression may sometimes be offensive to other people, it is still everyone’s right to express his/her opinion under the American constitution which states that “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press”. Although this amendment gave people the right express thier opinions, it still rests in one’s own hands as how far they will go to exercise that right of freedom of speech.
"Protecting Freedom of Expression on the Campus” by Derek Bok, published in Boston Globe in 1991, is an essay about what we should do when we are faced with expressions that are offensive to some people. The author discusses that although the First Amendment may protect our speech, but that does not mean it protects our speech if we use it immorally and inappropriately. The author claims that when people do things such as hanging the Confederate flag, “they would upset many fellow students and ignore the decent regard for the feelings of others” (70). The author discusses how this issue has approached Supreme Court and how the Supreme Court backs up the First Amendment and if it offends any groups, it does not affect the fact that everyone has his or her own freedom of speech. The author discusses how censorship may not be the way to go, because it might bring unwanted attention that would only make more devastating situations. The author believes the best solutions to these kind of situations would be to
freedom to express ideas and sentiments with which one agrees but also the ideas and sentiments
Hate crimes are done too frequently in the United States. Although we have laws that supposedly regulate them, many people still feel the need to commit acts of violence on people that are different than them. Many of these crimes originate with some sort of hate speech. People get ideas from other people, passed down from previous generations.
Living in the United States we enjoy many wonderful freedoms and liberties. Even though most of these freedoms seem innate to our lives, most have been earned though sacrifice and hard work. Out of all of our rights, freedom of speech is perhaps our most cherished, and one of the most controversial. Hate speech is one of the prices we all endure to ensure our speech stays free. But with hate speeches becoming increasingly common, many wonder if it is too great of a price to pay, or one that we should have to pay at all.
Charles R. Lawrence III adresses the matter in his essay “The Debate over Placing Limits on Racist Speech Must Not Ignore the Damage It Does to Its Victims,” by providing the perspective of those on the reciving end. He explains that “racial slurs are particularly undeserving of First Amendment protection because the perpetuator’s intention is not to discover truth or initiate dialoge, but to injure the victim” (628). This argument is justified because some people do take their freedom of speech as far as offending someone because of their race, cultural, and social beliefs. As Cinnamon Stillwell proved in her essay, “Mob Rule on College Campuses,” some students do become bullies when their beliefs are challenged. Stillwell illistrates a situation that occurred at Columbia University when conservative Jim Gilchrist was invited to speak but was unable to because rioting students did not allow him. Stillwell then goes on to say that “Apparently in their minds, niether Gilchrist nor anyone else with whom they disagree has the right to express their viewpoints” (623). This can be applied to both sides because both of them seem to believe that the opposing belief has no right to speak especially when it is controversial. Lawrence mentions that “whenever we decide that racist speech must be tolerated because of the
Critics believe that American citizens take advantage of civil liberties supporting limits on freedom of speech. They believe that degradation of humanity is inherent in unregulated speech. For example, according to Delgado and Stefancic, a larger or more authoritative person can use hate speech to physically threaten and intimidate those who are less significant (qtd. in Martin 49). Freedom of speech can also be used to demoralize ethnic and religious minorities. Author Liam Martin, points out that if one wants to state that a minority is inferior, one must prove it scientifically (45-46). Discouraging minorities can lead to retaliation, possibly resulting in crimes or threatening situations. "Then, the response is internalized, as it must be, for talking back will be futile or even dangerous. In fact, many hate crimes have taken place when the victim did just that-spoke back to the aggressor and paid with his or her life" (qtd. in Martin 49). Therefore, critics believe that Americans do not take into account the harm they may cause people and support limits on freedom of speech.
Because of the rights given to students in the Frist Amendment, school administrators cannot prohibit student from being ignorant, hateful, mean, or even using offensive speech. Consider the case Street v. New York, the Supreme Court held that speech could not be restricted because it is offensive. In this case the court stated “… it is ...
In the United States, free speech is protected by the First Amendment in which it states, “Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion … or abridging the freedom of speech.” Now, nearly 250 years into the future, the exact thing that the Founding Fathers were afraid of is starting to happen. Today, our freedom of speech is being threatened through different forces, such as the tyranny of the majority, the protection of the minority, and the stability of the society. Now, colleges and universities in the United States today are also trying to institute a code upon its students that would bar them from exercising their right to speak freely in the name of protecting minorities from getting bullied. This brings us into
Hate Crime in the United States of America THESIS: In this research paper, information will be given on hate crime in the United States of America. It’s best to know about these types of crimes before it’s too late because it’s rarely reported or spoken about but does occur on regular bases. Hate crime didn't come about until the early 1980's. It's sad how these types of crimes still occur so many years later; there are innocent people who are attacked simply because of their race, religion or sexual orientation. Based on the articles, hate crime in the USA is very common and the chances to be a victim are high enough. Hate crimes are ignorant and pointless, they need to be stopped.Done to many different people in many different waysHate crimes are biased motivated, they're based on ethnicity, gender, language, nationality, physical appearance and sexual orientation. Hate crimes have various ways of being committed. They can be done either by physically assaulting another individual, doing damage to their property, bullying them, harassing them, verbal abusing or insulting someone. Hate crimes occur because of people who are prejudice and ignorant who can’t understand that there are differences among people. A victim of hate crime is more than likely to be attacked by another individual because of their race. The most common type of hate crimes that are committed is racially motivated. While gay people are also attacked often also, hate crimes based on sexual orientation come in second. In 2012 and 2013 there were 42,236 reported hate crimes. 85% were race hate crimes, 10% were sexual orientation, 4% were disability and religion hate crimes and 1% transgender. The FBI has found that most hate crime offenders are white at 70%...
Many college campuses adapt the use of speech codes to shield their students from vulgar and offensive language that reside in college campuses. The typical speech codes that are used on college campuses is to prevent the use of racial, sexist, and homophobic slurs. Speech codes originated from the regulation of fighting words on university campuses. The regulation originated from the Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire court case. However, this regulation was to prevent the use of offensive speech leading into violent actions. “…the doctrine as narrowed by the Supreme Court covers only speech that is likely to cause the listener to do violence…some campuses have sought to broaden its scope to include references to certain specified characteristics such as ethnicity or sexual orientation” (McGowan and Tangri 826). Speech codes on campuses not only apply to out of class events, but also in class work or assignments. In one case, a student wanted to discuss a controversial topic, but was afraid of violating speech codes. “Doe, who was also a teaching assistant, stated that he wanted to teach certain controversial theories positing biologically-based differences between sexes and races, but feared that doing so would make him liable to sanction under the policy” (McGowan and Tangri 832). This example demonstrates how the strict regulation of certain speeches affect a student’s opportunity to learn. So, why are speech codes enforced on college campuses? One of the main reasons why speech codes are enforced is to shield young adults from subjects that they could find
Freedom of speech has many positive things, one of which is the help it gives on decision-making. Thanks to freedom of speech it is possible to express personal ideas without fear or restraints; therefore, all the perspectives and options will be on the table, giving people more opportunities to choose from. Nevertheless, everything in life has a limit, and the limit of freedom of speech depends directly on the consideration of the rights of others. People is free of believing what they want, thinking what they want, and even saying what they want, everything as long as they do not intrude or violate anyone else's rights. Under certain circumstances freedom of speech should be limited, and this is more than just a political action, this acts represent the urge for tolerance and the need for respect.