The Commercialization of Christmas

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The Commercialization of Christmas

In my opinion I think Christmas is fine the way it is, although

Christmas is the festival in which Christians celebrate the birth of

Jesus. The word `Christmas' means the `Mass of Christ' and refers to

the Mass which is celebrated on Christmas Day which the majority of

people forget. Many in today's society consider that Christmas has

become too commercialised and that the real meaning of Christmas has

been lost. In our nation, 1/3rd of all shopping and over 2/3rds of all

electrical goods are bought in the period before Christmas. More

alcohol is consumed over the period than the rest of the year and

after Christmas more people seek counselling for problems. Yes it is

the chance to celebrate the birth of Jesus and enjoy ourselves but by

the looks of things many people are taking it to the extremes. There

has been a call to remove the religious element out of Christmas, as

many people are now not strictly Christian and instead have a winter


Non-Christian people living in a m...

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