The Christian Tradition Sparknotes

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In volume 1 of The Christian Tradition, Jaroslav Pelikan carefully studied the ancient patristic heritage of the East and the West and explored its complex relationship with classical thought and culture. Pelikan’s knowledge and ability to follow the course of Christian history and to compare the different movements of theological thought within the church communities makes Pelikan's study so significant and useful to anyone who studies the Christian faith and doctrine. This volume of Pelikan's work is dedicated to the first six centuries of Christianity - the historical period in which the basic dogmas of the church were formulated and conciliarly approved. He describes the era of the Apostolic Fathers whose legacy remains one of the sources of Christian theology. This book will be …show more content…

The author himself formulates his main goal of the work in the preface of The Christian Tradition, “In this volume I have sought to set down the development of what the Christian church believed, taught, and confessed between 100 and 600”.
In this book, the author demonstrates information, which is the result of his careful and thoughtful research. The author uses a huge number of primary sources, which certainly is the strength of this work. I like how the author determines the significance and value of the Christian dogma in the Church. Christian doctrine is what the Church believes in, what the Church teaches about, and what it confesses on the basis of the Word of God. The author correctly notes that the doctrine is an important aspect of the Church, but this is not the only aspect that makes the Church function properly. Thus, the author does not belittle the

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