Differences Between Eastern And Western Religions

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The Eastern And Western Religions

While in some cases there is an overlap in the comparison of Eastern and Western Religious schools of thought there are many distinct differences that are easy to contrast. There are a few major similarities and differences between the two schools of thought. Two main differences are the belief system that they hold and how they approach religion.

A major difference between the West and East schools of thought would be what they believe in. The Western religions are all monotheistic, meaning they believe in one god even though they perceive that one god differently. The three main western religions are Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, which all originated around Israel. The Eastern religions consist of Buddhism, Sikhism, and Hinduism that all are derived from Asia. They are traditionally polytheistic and usually believe in more than one god. Though they both believe in some sort of afterlife, the concept of time in the two schools of thought marks another difference. Western religions see life as a linear journey and that …show more content…

Christians persecuted the Jews in WW2 and six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. The latest major conflict is the between Western religions the destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York City, with extremist Muslims killing who they perceive a infidels. This kind of conflict usually in the name of God is not true of the Eastern religions. How can the religions that have a relatively similar origin, the same prophets and share some religious scripture, be at such odds with each other?

Eastern and Western Religions are based on different philosophies but where we are born and who are parents are the biggest influences in the religion we are committed to, so it is imperative that we strive to embrace with understanding the ideologies of other

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