The Character of Doris in 'A Cream Cracker Under the Settee' by Alan Bennett

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The Character of Doris in 'A Cream Cracker Under the Settee' by Alan Bennett The melancholy of life, death and old age, are one of the many issues dealt with, in Alan Bennett’s heart-rending tale. It tells the story of an isolated, fragile, elderly woman, who feels ensnared in a modernised society in which she strives for her sovereignty and prominence. In a culture where the old are forgotten, neglected and depicted as useless. ‘A Cream Cracker Under The Settee’ seems to be the perfect title of the play as the double entendre epitomizes this remarkably. In addition, another reason for the dramatic piece being called ‘A Cream Cracker Under The Settee’. Is because a cream cracker was indeed found under a settee in the play, this makes the title rather ironic. As the title in many ways also symbolises the character of Doris as she is depicted as a lost soul, abandoned, waiting to be found and cared for. Throughout ‘Cream Cracker’, the protagonist: Doris, speaks to an unseen audience, this could be seen to be another allegory used to signify the title of the play. As although the audience is unseen to Doris as ‘the cream cracker under the settee’ is unnoticed, this may be used to indicate that although the object is concealed, this does not make it any less important than the objects that are perceived. Doris as a tragic woman confides her anguish and despondency in the spectators, placing, yet involving the audience into the position of a voyeur, or an eavesdropper, in which they are given an insiders’ view of the protagonist life. The stream of consciousness of the narrator in which, her revealing herself unwittingly to the viewer... ... middle of paper ... .... I learn from ‘Cream Cracker Under The Settee’ of Bennett’s political views on society’s rejection of the elderly and the consequences of these actions. Bennett’s use of language and presentational devices provides the audience of contemporary society an in depth analysis of the implications of old age, hence rrevolutionising my perceptions of the elderly society. Old age is immentient event most people in today’s cilvilisation will encounter during the cause of their, Controversionally getting across to me as a audience member that society has the power to evolutionise the government policies on the elderly, Causing me to become more aware of how today’s policies and social problems may affect us in the future as it up to us as the new generation to decide whether it will be something to dread or look forward to.

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