Essay On The Character Of Athena In Homer's Odyssey

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Character of Athena in Homer's Odyssey

Imagine living in another world and time, one where you were not

only a god but could also take the form of any object or person that you chose.

Athena, the daughter of Zeus, has this ability. Of all the characters in the Odyssey,

the most interesting to me is Athena. In my opinion, she guides the main

characters of the Odyssey in the right direction. She kind of looks over

their shoulders and serves as a guardian angel.

Athena makes Telemachos go to Pylos and Sparta. Athena says, "My

advice to you is this, if you will let me advise you. Get the best …show more content…

you can find, put twenty oarsmen aboard, go and find out about your father

and why he is so long away. Perhaps some one may tell you, or you may hear

some rumour that god will send, which is often the best way for people to

get news." (Homer 17) If not for Athena, Telemachos might have taken his

father for dead and encouraged his mother to marry one of her suitors. But

Athena, under the disguise of Mentes advises Telemachos to go on a journey

to try to find out what happenened to Odysseus. This is important …show more content…

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