The Changing American Family Summary

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Angier, N. (2013) “The Changing American Family.” Retrieved from 2013/11/26/health/families.html?pagewanted=all. In “The Changing American Family,” Natalie Angier expresses that both traditional and nontraditional families have their strengths and weaknesses. She describes the ever changing structures of families in today's world. While some traditional families of a mother and a father with one or more children still remain, there are more and more families with divorced or same sex marriages surfacing in recent years. The struggles that these modern families face are not the same as most traditional families do, nevertheless both family structures are not without flaws.
Barone, M. (2013) “Children in two-parent families do better in life.” Retrieved from Michael Barone writes that children of nontraditional families do not do as well as those with traditional structures. Parents who do not classify as being traditional are perceived as not being capable of giving their children the …show more content…

(2015) “Learning to be a man when you’re raised by two moms.” Retrieved by Zach Wahls was raised by two mothers instead of the traditional one mom and one dad. He explains in this article what life is like when there is no traditional father figure to teach him all the things that boys are supposed to learn from their fathers in order to become men. Wahls points out that while he did have to learn a few things from his friend’s father, being raised by two mothers does not make him any less of a person or any less educated. He recalls in this article that he learned important ethics have no gender and do not need to be taught by a man to have value. Wahls tells of his experiences with a nontraditional family, but still learned everything he needed to know for living a successful life on his

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