The Change in the Nazis Treatment of the Jews

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The Change in the Nazis Treatment of the Jews Why did the Nazis treatment of the Jews change from 1939-45? After the beginning of 1938 the situation deteriorated rapidly. The main reason why the Nazis treatment of the Jews changed was that the Nazi leaders had become much more confident and less concerned about the rest of the world thought about their anti Jewish policies. When war broke out in 1939 it became more difficult to send Jews to other countries. With the take over of other European countries there were now 3.5 million more Jews were under Nazi control and now that War had broken out between Germany and Britain and France it was impossible to carry on with the Madagascar plan. It was in April 1940 that the first ghetto was created, in Lodz. The steps taken were gradual. Warsaw came next, in October; then Cracow in March 1941, Lublin and Radom in April; and Lvov in December. By the end of 1941 the ghettoizing process was almost complete. In 1940 Jews were being s...

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