Domestic Violence: Causes, Effects and Societal Impact

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Far and wide, no less than one in every three ladies has been beaten, constrained into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Frequently, the abuser is a member of her own family. Domestic Violence can have an emotional impact on any person. Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another through emotional attack, fear, and threats. Domestic violence often contains the threat or use of violence. This violence is a crime. Beating occurs when one person believes he or she is entitled to control another. The causes of domestic violence are men feel the need to dominate and control, alcohol and drug abuse, and jealousy. Whereas the effects of domestic violence are on women and children. In the general public today violence has turned into an issue. Domestic violence is influencing individuals ' lives furthermore harming them. There is violence all over from films to a hometown. The society should cut down the violence and the murdering in films which makes children and grown-up violent which the government should put more policeman in the city. These are just minor ideas to make the world a better place. More importantly, violence is once in a while caused on the grounds that children understand it is on television. Violence is frequently …show more content…

Research has found out that maximum women who are victims of domestic abuses are silent or they go back to their spouses after an abuse for the reason that they are weak economically and they cannot support their children (Help guide, 2008). To execute this arrangement, the administration and other concerned stakeholders need to concoct a unique sort of reserve that would support women to set up their own particular business or benefit them to further their education to make them independent. This solution is justified in the sense that it will lead to empowerment of women and their children as

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