The Canterbury Tales, Pride And Prejudice, The Rocking Horse

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The study of literature clarifies our understanding of human nature by representing the cultures and the people in society. Through literature we are able to gain insight on human on nature and gain a deeper understanding of the world. The study of literature allows us to gain a clearer vision of ourselves, and those around us. Through studying the literature in The Canterbury Tales, Macbeth, Pride and Prejudice, The Rocking Horse Winner, and Match point we are able to gain an understanding of how the quest of power, and money can destroy human nature. In The Canterbury Tales the story of The Pardoner’s tale three men who set out to kill Death, find a large amount of money and forget about their quest to kill death. In the story two men stab the man who went to get the wine, and then drink the poison the man planned to give theme. In this story we were able to learn how human’s greed ultimately not only leads to the destruction of yourself but others. This story clarifies our understanding of how humans often let money ruin their quests for happiness or in this case for vengeance of others. The other tale in The Canterbury Tales the …show more content…

This then causes Paul to believe that he needs to show his mother that he is fact lucky and become as wealthy as possible through betting on horse races. In this piece of literature we understand that no amount of money will ever be good enough for humans, and that it is in human nature to have money control your life. In this story we are also able to understand why humans believe that luck is the reason for any social or financial gain in life. In this story we are able to learn that people who don’t have wealth view wealth as something only the lucky are able to achieve, and if they ever do achieve wealth they become overcome with greed and believe no amounts of money will ever be able to satisfy their

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