The Canadian Spirit: Canada’s Contribution to the World

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The recent Olympic Winter Games has brought out the true spirit of Canada in us all. Never has the nation seen such displays of en-masse patriotism as we rallied together in support of our athletes. This is the true spirit of Canada, often tucked behind a blank facade, invisible to the world. As Canadians toil silently in support of the world, we remind ourselves that the greater good is good for us as well. Canada’s strong foreign aid policy is just an example of how we truly are a good neighbour. Since the days of the Colombo Plan, Canada has always given foreign aid to developing nations. Spending billions of dollars annually (Canadian International Development Agency) through the Canadian International Development Agency, the country acts quickly in times of need. For instance, in early February, over 200 million dollars has been provided to the Haitian relief efforts through the donation matching campaign and by direct donation to aid agencies (Canadian International Development Agency). While a popular topic of armchair politicians, the “War in Afghanistan” has actually seen Canada pledge 111 million dollars over three years to provide food, necessities, and health services to the most vulnerable of Afghans (Government of Canada). Canada has also worked on key infrastructure projects, such as water and education systems. By allowing these long-suffering people to grow and thrive, we build their economy and in turn, they help build our economy. The globalized nature of today’s society means we cannot afford to put our heads in the sand and live in our own little bubble. For the world’s economy and the world’s trade to succeed and prosper, the whole world must succeed and prosper. By creating jobs and giving them the tools... ... middle of paper ... ...gagement in Afghanistan. 1 March 2010 . Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels. "The Communist Manifesto." 1888. 1 March 2010 . "The World's Billionaires." 3 May 2008. Ed. Luisa Kroll. 1 March 2010 . United States Census Bureau. "Top Ten Countries with which the U.S. Trades, For the month of December 2009." December 2009. United States Census Bureau. 1 March 2010 . US-China Business Council, Inc. "US-China Trade Statistics and China's World Trade Statistics." US-China Business Council. 1 March 2010 .

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