The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Essay

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In the fable The Boy In The Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne, a clear lesson emerges that hatred is driven by fear. This novel is set during the Holocaust, where Ralph, also known as Father, has a role of a Nazi soldier. He takes his family to Auschwitz from Berlin as of his recent promotion to Commandant. He is scared of Hitler and what other people think of him, along with Father shows his hatred towards the Jews in many ways. Told through a nine-year-old's perspective, Bruno and Gretel are indoctrinated by their own father into thinking Jews are bad people. But later learned Jews are not known as people. Just a couple miles from their new house stands a concentration camp with hundreds of innocent Jews, and as time goes by Bruno is tempted …show more content…

This is because so many people do not support the decisions that Father has made in the family and his working commitment as the Commandant to the Fury, such as his Mother. When deciding to move back to Berlin for the sake of the children Father cannot go back with them, as of his instinct of fear of what others think and his commitment the cause. “And what will people think,’ asked Father,’ if I permit you and the children to return to Berlin without me? They will ask questions about my commitment to the work here.”(187) This quote explains how ignorant father is about the rest of the family and how they are miserable living in Auschwitz. Once again Father is scared about what Hitler will do to him if he does not follow his orders. “Mother was saying. ‘. . . no choice, at least not if we want to continue . . .’said Father. ‘. . . as if it's the most natural thing in the world and it’s not, it’s just not . . .’said Mother. ‘ . . . what would happen is I would be taken away and treated like a . . .’ said Father” (124) As explained above Father is terrified of how people think of his commitment. He also thinks if he does not obey him, he will be treated poorly. Father gets a sense about how the Jews across Europe feel because Hitler has too much power over the

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