The Book Thief Analysis

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How does one write a book about the horrors of the holocaust and portray the German society as much a victim as the others? Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief published in the year 2005 does exactly that, weaving a story in its 552-paged glory and opening a window into the life of the little Liesel Meminger. However, that’s not it. It’s just the tip of the iceberg that The Book Thief really is. What makes The Book Thief truly a different book to come by is not its concept but its narrator. He says he can be agreeable, affable and amiable and that that’s just the A’s. What he says he definitely isn’t- is nice because quiet correctly Death never is nice. Yes, The Book Thief is narrated by the wry, often sardonic and darkly humorous but secretly compassionate, Death.
The book starts off with an introduction by our unconventional narrator in which he, in all his truthfulness, unknowingly chills the reader to his bones in just the third sentence of the first page.You Are Going To Die.However, he realises his folly soon thereafter and apologises, even chiding himself for the lack of manners on his part. But he never does end up introducing himself even then and brushes off such things as unnecessary, telling his readers that they’d meet him soon enough, shocking them yet again. It’s as if he can’t help being intimidating and painfully direct and truthful and is oblivious to the subtleties and niceties of the human world. His one true pastime is watching colours—all sorts of them, especially that of the sky—because it helps him relax and takes his mind off the pressing nature of his job. His job much to the amusement of the readers, he says, is taxing to the point that it drives him insane. He even shares that he’s in desperate need of a ho...

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...internationally and has often been called ‘Harry Potter and the Holocaust’, a young girl’s difficult yet determined journey towards maturity. However, there are some who argue that a book so sad and sentimental is hardly a suitable read for teenagers. In Zusak’s own country, the book was published for a more mature audience and I think it does require a grown-up head to interpret the complicated emotions portrayed in here. Still, reading it can be a life-changing experience for this book comes with a message of hope. Liesel is the embodiment of that hope, a personification of love and generosity that even Death comes to love and respect. Read The Book Thief for it’s a lesson for life and food for thought for our generation. Read it for it shows one how to hope, and above all, read it for Death, the narrator with a heart, who confesses that he is haunted by humans.

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